The art of quality

What animals eat is important for their overall health – behaviorally and physically. It is not without reason that people are no longer allowed to feed the animals in zoos without restriction!

Lovingly taking care of animals comes first at Garvo. After all, true wealth is a world in which humans and animals can live (together) fully. Animal feeds form an important means of achieving this. For this reason we want to deliver the absolute best quality and we are always interested in your experiences and in possible improvements. For us it is no extra work, but a matter of splendid craftsmanship to give animals exactly what they need.

Raw materials

High-quality animal feeds require good raw materials. In order to guarantee this quality, we do not limit ourselves to the Dutch market. For example, a French supplier grows the maize for us. We try to get to know the suppliers of per example grains and seeds, personally. Suppliers are periodically visited and assessed. For Garvo, it is of the utmost importance that cultivation is done in harmony with nature and that it the fertilization is done in the right manner.

When purchasing raw materials, quality requirements are contractually laid down. We often work with regular suppliers who know our requirements. Each delivery of raw materials is visually assessed. In addition, a moisture determination may be performed and/or the raw material is examined in the laboratory for various parameters.

Requirements and control

Garvo develops and produces feeds for various animal species. In order to guarantee the quality of all products, but also to gain insight into the process of continuous improvement, Garvo uses a quality management system based on the standard of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP), with additional internal requirements for the products. In addition, Garvo complies with the legal obligations for hygiene and quality.

Composition and production

A good product does not only depend on the raw materials. At least as important for a balanced diet is the right composition, completely tailored to the needs of the animal. The raw materials and the correct composition do not guarantee good feeds; the production of the feeds also plays an important role. Just as with people, it makes a big difference for animals whether ‘a mash’ is manufactured indifferently or whether the feeds are produced lovingly, with the necessary attention to the product and the consumer. Garvo feeds are manufactured with the utmost care in that regard, with several control steps within the production process. We never skimp on attention and care!

Packaging and shelf life

In order to maintain the nutritional value of the Garvo products, the packaging requirements are considered for each product. They are packed in (coated) paper bags, paper valve bags or quadroseal packages. The quadroseal packages are provided with a non-gas-permeable film. This allows food to be packaged oxygen-poorly under nitrogen/carbon dioxide to extend shelf life.

Animal feed contains various fats, minerals and vitamins that may be sensitive to oxidation. Under normal circumstances, with cool and dark storage, these nutrients have a good shelf life. However, the nutritional value may decrease under the influence of light and an elevated temperature. To prevent this (natural) antioxidants can be added to the product. Another way to prevent oxidation is to pack the product under a protected atmosphere using nitrogen/carbon dioxide. With this method the package is sealed oxygen poor. This is ideal for products that may be stored under warmer conditions.

If possible, always store food in a cool, dry and dark environment, preferably in a clean storage area. The eggs of dust mites and grain beetles (such as wheat weevil) can survive in (old) dust. It is important that the storage space should be clean to prevent stock being damaged by vermin. These can also gnaw through a bag and then affect the further feed stock.

Within the stated shelf life, Garvo guarantees the quality of the product, if it is stored correctly: cool, dry and dark.

In order to maintain the nutritional value of the Garvo feeds, the requirements for the packaging are considered for each product. They are packed in (coated) paper bags, paper valve bags or quadroseal packages. The quadroseal packaging is provided with a non-gas-permeable film. This allows feeds to be packaged under a protective atmosphere, resulting in an extended shelf life.


The quality system has been rolled out throughout the organization. Garvo invests in quality on all fronts; technically, organizationally and above all: with a good team of employees who are given every opportunity to develop themselves and who feel responsible for the products.

The production process is automated so that the chance of errors is minimal. There is a reference number on the packaging of the produced feeds, to which the date of production and the batch produced can be referred to. Samples of the raw materials and the produced feeds are kept.

And then: the customer (retailers, chains and wholesalers)

We also expect a quality effort from the customer. In this, the customer is the last link between Garvo, the consumer and the animals. Clean, dry, cool and dark storage is a must. It is also important that the feeds sold have a respectable shelf life and intact packaging.

Text: Garvo bv

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